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Holy Spirit: bringing all things to our remembrance

Holy Spirit: bringing all things to our remembrance

(John 6:63, Luke 8:10-14, John 14:26, John 16:12-14, 1 Corinthians 2:1-16, Luke 11:13) 1) I confess my depravity, weakness, and wretchedness, Holy Spirit quickens my mortal body, spirit, and soul, in Jesus name. 2) Holy Spirit, bring to my remembrance and understanding every divine instruction for me, in Jesus name. 3) Holy Spirit, lead and […]

Submitting to Jesus Christ, Withholding Nothing

Submitting to Jesus Christ, Withholding Nothing

(Matthew 10:32-39, Mark 8:38, Matthew 16:21-25, Matthew 19:27-30, Luke 12:46-48) Prayer Points 1) Lord Jesus, thank You for giving me the whole of Yourself. 2) Lord Jesus, forgive me for withholding certain area(s) of my life from You. 3) Lord, the life I have is a gift from You, You own it but You gave […]

Submitting Oneself Wholly to the Holy Spirit: The Strategy of Winning the Battle Against Self

Submitting Oneself Wholly to the Holy Spirit: The Strategy of Winning the Battle Against Self

(1Peter 5:6-10, Matthew 16:22-26, Matthew 26:33-41, John 18:10-11, Matthew 26:69-74, John 21:17) Until the Holy Spirit came upon Peter, his life’s journey was punctuated by the manifestation of the power of flesh. Even though it seemed he forsook all to followed Jesus, there was this issue with self-righteousness, self-will, self-justification etc. His declaration of giving […]