(Genesis 32:24-32, Matthew 15:22-38, Luke 19:2-10) 1) Lord, please release Your covenant of mercy for restoration on me in Jesus name. 2) Father, release into me Your grace to be faithful in the place of prayers, in Jesus name. 3) Lord, remove the disobedient heart from me and give me the heart that yield to […]
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Tag: righteousness of Christ
Hunger and Thirst for Righteousness
(Matthew 5:6, Isaiah 55:1-7, John 7:37-38, John 6:35-70, John 16:7-13) 1) Holy Spirit, remove from me the thirst for sinful (worldly) pleasures, in Jesus name.2) Lord, quicken in me the thirst for righteousness, in Jesus name.3) Lord Jesus, You are the Living Water, may I be contented living in You.4) May my light of Your […]