(Genesis 11:1-9, Malachi 1:4-14, Jeremiah 23:1-40) In these Bible passages, we can see how clearly men and women rebelled against God. Quite unimaginable! However, becoming rebellious hearts is not a day’s journey. It must have started unnoticed in them and grew with time to become what they struggled with. Who we now see is the […]
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Tag: rebel
My Children Rebel Against Me
(Isaiah 1:2-3, Malachi 1:6, Luke 6:46, Matthew 7:21-29, Romans 2:13, Isaiah 45:9-12, Isaiah 63:10, Hosea 7:14) 1) In Jesus name, I reject and rebuke every vagabond and rebellious spirit. 2) In Jesus name, I reject and rebuke the spirit of violence, wickedness and malice. 3) Holy Spirit, help me not to rebel against You. 4) […]