(Ephesians 4:17-24, Hebrews 12:14, Hebrews 13:15-21, Hebrews 12:28) 1) Jesus, I thank you for saving me from the wretchedness of sin, the peril of disobedience to God, and eternal damnation. 2) Lord, You have saved me, help me not to return to the old lives of shame or throw my pearl to swine (Matthew 7:6), […]
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Tag: lifestyles
Living a Christian Lifestyle
(Acts 11:26, Matthew 5:16, 1 Peter 2:12-25) The way we live will either bring glory to God or bring reproach to Him. The way we live with others will either bring them to Christ or make them 2 times haters of Christ. Even if we may not bring shame to Him we can bring reproach […]