(John 10:1-4, Jeremiah 9:13-14, Jeremiah 11:7-8) Psalms 19:1-2 says, ” The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament shows his handiwork. Day unto day utters speech, and night unto night shows knowledge.” God uses the existence of all His creations, living or non-living, to speak to us. But most times, it may not […]
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Tag: Jesus love
The Unfathomable Wonder of the Love of God to Mankind
(John 3:16, Romans 5:5-21, 1 Peter 3:18, Ephesians 5:2) 1) Father, thank You for this amazing and unconditional love to me. 2) Lord Jesus, give me the faith that believes in the unfathomable wonders of your love. 3) Lord Jesus, as you lead me and walk with me through the wonders of Your love, help […]