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Beware of the Praise from Human

Beware of the Praise from Human

(John 2:23-25, Acts 10:25-26, Acts 12:21-24) 1)Lord Jesus, help me to seek Your glory and not the praise from others. 2) Lord Jesus, help me to please You and not to seek human’s approval. 3) Father, help me to live for You and not only live for myself, in Jesus name. 4) Help me to […]

Humility and Mercy: By Strength shall no Man Prevail

Humility and Mercy: By Strength shall no Man Prevail

(Genesis 32:24-32, Romans 9:15-16, Matthew 12:7, Matthew 18:23-35) Most times believers miss receiving God’s mercy because they think God is required to have mercy on them or think that God should know that He should have mercy on them (Luke 18:10-14). Most time unbelievers come to God pleading for God’s mercy as someone who does […]

He is God Almighty: Every Proficiency and Accomplishment Bow before Him

He is God Almighty: Every Proficiency and Accomplishment Bow before Him

(Job 22:2-4, Job 35:5-11, Job 38:36-41, Job 33:13-17) 1) I bow before You Lord, give me the heart that reverence You, in Jesus name. 2) Lord deliver me from everyway I have clung to my accomplishments than to Your instructions, in Jesus name (James 2:19). 3) Lord Jesus, forgive me in all ways I have […]