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Leaning on the Love that never Fails

Leaning on the Love that never Fails

(Psalms 33:6-22, Isaiah 14:27, Isaiah 46:9-11, Proverbs 19:21, Proverbs 16:1-9, Mark 1:40-42, Luke 11:5-13) 1) Lord Jesus, I submit completely to Your will. 2) Lord, where I have been blind, open my eyes to see what You want me to see, in Jesus name. 3) Holy Spirit, where I have not been sensitive to you, […]

Coronavirus… A Loving God’s Judgment on Mankind?

Coronavirus… A Loving God’s Judgment on Mankind?

Some people query, “why will a good God unleash this on mankind”. They go ahead to say that, they will rather not serve such God. THIS IS THE ANSWER . Even though He loves all, He is still the overall Judge for the whole earth. Hence, must judge righteously and justly so that those who […]