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Beware of the Praise from Human

Beware of the Praise from Human

(John 2:23-25, Acts 10:25-26, Acts 12:21-24) 1)Lord Jesus, help me to seek Your glory and not the praise from others. 2) Lord Jesus, help me to please You and not to seek human’s approval. 3) Father, help me to live for You and not only live for myself, in Jesus name. 4) Help me to […]

Destruction of the Authority Opposing the Manifestation of God’s Glory in Christians’ Life

Destruction of the Authority Opposing the Manifestation of God’s Glory in Christians’ Life

(Exodus 1:10,16; Exodus 18:11; Exodus 7:10-12, Daniel 10:11-14, Matthew 2:7-14,20; 1 John 3:8; Matthew 6:13)1) Father, consume every authority antagonizing the manifestation of Your glory in my life, in Jesus name.2) Holy Ghost fire, destroy every snare planned against the manifestation of Your glory in my life3) Every agent of the devil contracted to oppose […]

Be Smarter than the Devil, the Enemy of Your Destiny

Be Smarter than the Devil, the Enemy of Your Destiny

God specifically brought you to this world for a special mission. The purpose for which you were brought to this world is to achieve something that has never been achieved in your generation and this distinguishes you as a child of great destiny. God knows those great things He has in you that are still […]