(1 Chronicles 21:1-24, Matthew 16:21-23, Luke 4:1-13, Luke 22:3-6, Acts 5:3) 1) Lord, cleanse me and remove every comfortable platform for the devil from my life, in Jesus name 2) Holy Spirit, help me to dwell in Your Word and yield to it always, in Jesus name. 3) Father, when I look into the mirror […]
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Tag: falling into temptation
(1 Samuel 1:12-18, Matthew 15:22-28, Luke 22:31-34, Matthew 6:13, Matthew 4:1-11) 1) Lord, please, do not lead me into temptation.2) God the Holy Spirit, help me to overcome gloriously when temptation is inevitable, in Jesus name.3) Father, guide my steps from gently drifting away from the truth, in Jesus name.4) Lord, do not keep mute […]