(Matthew 10:1, Mark 16:17-20, Luke 9:1, Luke 10:17-24, Ephesians 6:10-18) Prayer Points 1) Oh Holy Spirit, give me the heart to know that the enduement of Your power and authority is a call for responsibility, service, and humility and not to boast or to be self-sufficient, in Jesus name. 2) Father, help me know the […]
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Tag: empower for breakthrough
Divine Power and Authority
Equipped for Manifestation
(Luke 10:1-24) 1) Holy Spirit, empower me for breakthrough, in Jesus name. 2) Holy Spirit power enable me to hear, see, and know what You want me to know for me to manifest Your glory and purpose at the right time, in Jesus name. 3) Jesus by Your unconditional mercy, reclaim for me and restore […]