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Lay Your Treasures for Your Eternal Reign with Jesus

Lay Your Treasures for Your Eternal Reign with Jesus

(Matthew 6:19-21, Hebrews 13:5, 1 Timothy 6:17-19) Prayer Points 1) Lord Jesus, I thank You for dying on the cross for me and paying the price I could not pay for myself. 2) Holy Spirit, renew and guide my heart, against the deceit and gimmicks of the devil and his agents, in Jesus name. 3) […]

Desiring Divine Leading

Desiring Divine Leading

(Jeremiah 6:16, Psalms 119:1-19) Prayer Points 1) Holy Spirit, fill me with Your divine anger against the work of evils, in Jesus name. 2) Holy Spirit, purge out of my life every work of the devil and his evils, in Jesus name. 3) Holy Spirit, hold me and keep my feet from stumbling in Jesus […]

A Passionate Plea for the Power to Finish Strong

A Passionate Plea for the Power to Finish Strong

(Deuteronomy 34:1-12, Philippians 3:12-21, Deuteronomy 1:6-45) 1) Father, I ask for Your grace and mercy to finish strong, in Jesus name. 2) Father, remove from me the way of hell and all its appearances, in Jesus name. 3) Holy Spirit, sit over my life, refine me inside out and make me that child that delight […]

When God Speaks through the Least Expected Ways and Vessels 

When God Speaks through the Least Expected Ways and Vessels 

(1 Kings 19:9-23, 2 Kings 5:1-15, 2 Chronicles 26:14-21, John 14:26) Some of those things that get in the way of hearing from God are, our knowledge, experience, thoughts, feelings, emotions, situations, successes, failures, busyness etc When God speaks through the least expected ways and vessels, how do you respond? 1) Holy Spirit, search and […]

Examining God’s Instructions Revealed to Us through Others

Examining God’s Instructions Revealed to Us through Others

(Exodus 18:13-27, 1 Kings 19:10-21, Acts 6:2-7, Mark 9:38-40, Matthew 10:1-15, 1 Kings 13:17-32, Acts 16:16-18, 1John 4:1) 1) Father, I thank You because You have not ignored us but have called all into Your vineyard and purpose. 2) Lord Jesus, I thank You because You open our hearts to know more of Your purpose. […]

The Criticality of Sincere Cry for a Clean Heart

The Criticality of Sincere Cry for a Clean Heart

(Genesis 6:5, Jeremiah 17:9, Matthew 15:19, Hebrews 10:22, Ezekiel 11:19-20, Ezekiel 36:25-38, Psalms 51:10, Jeremiah 24:7, Acts 2:17, Jeremiah 32:39-41, Luke 7:38) Heart. Mind. Brain.While ancient generations referred to it as the heart, the modern generation refer to it as the mind/brain. In the same way, scientists call it our memory (our brain). So now […]

Living Acceptably in Jesus

Living Acceptably in Jesus

(Galatians 5:19-26, 1 Corinthians 3:13-21, 1 Corinthians 6:10-20, Ephesians 5:3-17, Colossians 3:1-17) As we go on with life, it is expected of us, as ambassadors of Christ, in a corrupt world to remain worthy of our heavenly home. Every moment we still dwell in the Lord acceptably, we remain among the numbers of His children […]

The Criticality of being Sincere, Deliberate and Conscientious with God’s Instructions

The Criticality of being Sincere, Deliberate and Conscientious with God’s Instructions

(1 Samuel 13:12-14, 1 Samuel 15:9-11, 1 Samuel 16:1, Acts 13:22, Psalms 119:14-20) It is a critical issue in christian journey, if one takes God’s instructions for granted. Even as God he does not take it for granted. Psalms 138 verse 2b tells us how he does not take it for granted. Many things we […]