(Matthew 6:19-21, Hebrews 13:5, 1 Timothy 6:17-19) Prayer Points 1) Lord Jesus, I thank You for dying on the cross for me and paying the price I could not pay for myself. 2) Holy Spirit, renew and guide my heart, against the deceit and gimmicks of the devil and his agents, in Jesus name. 3) […]
Lay Your Treasures for Your Eternal Reign with Jesus
Point of Focus for the WeekBe Heavenly Focused, Christian life, Christian lifestyle, Christian's lives, Deliberate and Conscientious with God's Instructions, Enter the kingdom of God, heaven, heaven at last, heaven record, Heaven: Our Priority as Christians, heavenly home, Heavenly treasure, kingdom of God, Kingdom of Jesus Christ, Lay Your Treasures for Your Eternal Reign with Jesus, Making Heaven, Obedience, reign with Jesus, Steadfastness in faith, treasure, treasures, Victory at last heaven at last