(John 10:1-4, Jeremiah 9:13-14, Jeremiah 11:7-8)
Psalms 19:1-2 says, ” The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament shows his handiwork. Day unto day utters speech, and night unto night shows knowledge.”
God uses the existence of all His creations, living or non-living, to speak to us. But most times, it may not be dramatic. Just as we can see in Psalms 19, so we have throughout the Bible. Sometimes, it can be as dramatic it was at the burning bush, Balaam’s donkey, water coming out of the rocks etc. One thing is important “knowing God’s voice when He speaks to us”.
In another ways, the Lord can speak to us through revelations, word of knowledge etc. Even though the Lord speaks through all His creations, it is very important to know that You need to identify His voice through His Word – the Bible. Do you want to know His voice? The more you read and yield to His Word in the Bible, the more you are able to identify and know His voice.
Remember, how the Lord speaks to each person is not as important as obeying Him and doing what He says. He may speak to your conscience, speak to you through dream, open vision, audible voice, happenings etc. They are really great but not as great you being obedient to any and all he says to you.
Do not put your worries into how He speaks to you or how that compares with how He speaks to others. Instead let your concern be how to obey Him in doing what he says to you. And make sure that how you feel He speaks to you and what you think He says to you are fundamentally grounded and rooted in the Bible – His Word. Caution is very important as demons can speak to anyone – not just the sinners. Remember that Satan spoke to Jesus during his temptation, when Peter rebuked Jesus for talking about His death, etc. We should not overestimate ourselves and underestimate the deceit of the devil. Remember that the Bible says we should not be ignorant of the devices of satan (2 Corinthians 2:11). He was successful against Judas and to some extent against Peter.
This leads us to the critical need and power of praying into your life those God’s instructions you see in the Bible. Most of these instructions cannot just be manifested in your life by believing or confessing them. Emphatically, there is a place for genuine prayers. As God’s instruction takes roots in you, you will become more of Jesus. As you become more of Jesus, you will have more of Him in you, and the more you are able to identify and know His voice. Also, the less of flesh interference in how and what he speak to you.
Again, we should not overestimate ourselves and underestimate the deceit of the devil. Always remember you cannot get enough of Jesus. As we have more of Him, we will always need more for newer tasks, time, challenges, growth, relationship etc. It will continue like that until we see Him face-to-face in His kingdom. So watch out for and pray against the red flags of pride and continue to pray for steadfastness. Some of those red flags are, “I am no more a child in Christ”, “No teaching or study about Christ is fresh to me”, “I can never backslide or deny Christ”, “I do not need anyone or any teaching about Jesus anymore” and many more that the Holy Spirit will reveal to you.
In all this do not be troubled or afraid remember His promises:
(John 14:1) Let not your heart be troubled: you believe in God, believe also in me.
(Matthew 28:20) …lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen.
Prayer Points
1) Oh Lord, help me to know Your voice, even in the midst of the busyness of my time, in Jesus name.
2) Father, help me to delightfully yield to You Words, in Jesus name.
3) Oh Lord speak, for Your servant listens.
4) Holy Spirit, please give me victory over distraction that blur my spiritual vision, that dull my spiritual hearing, that makes me insensitive to spiritual “feelings”.
5) Father, help me to be Your voice to others, in Jesus name.
6) May I not be tempted to “steal” Your glory, in Jesus name.
7) Oh Lord, may I not limit You to only the way I think You speak to me, in Jesus name.
8) Jesus help me not to make idol out of the way you speak to me as the Israelite did out of the snake of brass (2 Kings 18:3-4).