(Matthew 28:18-21, Matthew 10:1, Mark 16:15-18, Luke 9:1-2, Luke 10:17-24, Ephesians 6:10-19, Matthew 17:14-21)
Prayer Points
1) Lord Jesus, I thank You because You own all power and authority, in heavens and on earth and You freely give to Your children. (Brethren, remember that all divine authority and power given to you belongs to Jesus and not to you – they are gifts.)
2) Lord Jesus, forgive my sins and wash me thoroughly in your precious blood. (Brethren, remember that divine authority and power in a sinful life is terribly dangerous. Sin can make one misbehave against God’s instructions or misuse divine authority and power against oneself and others. It is like a sharp sword in the hand of a mad person.)
3) Holy Spirit, fill me up with Your authority and power, in Jesus name. (Brethren, remember that “to whom much is given, much is required”. We must be productive and fruitful for which will be held accountable by our Lord Jesus – the head of the church, here on earth, and when we see Him face to face.)
4) Lord, may I never lose the purpose for giving me Your authority and power – to spread the gospel and edify the church. (Brethren, after 40 days of fasting, the devil tempted Jesus to exercise His authority and power for vain glory, personal gains, and selfish reasons. But REMEMBER how Jesus overcame the devil’s Temptation – Matthew 4:1-11)
5) Lord, help me to remember that Your authority and power are not given to be commercialized, monopolized, or be objects of pride.
6) Lord, as you release Your authority and power into me, give me Your heart that asks, waits, and follows Your instructions diligently, in Jesus name.
7) Lord Jesus, by your mercy and grace, having done all on earth, may I be able to make heaven, enter into Your rest (Your glory), and see You face to face (Luke 17:20).