(Psalms 28:7-9, Psalms 20, Psalms 70, Psalms 86:15-17, Psalms 108:12, Psalms 109:26, Psalms 117:2, Psalms 118:7a, Psalms 121, Psalms 124, Psalms 146) 1) O Lord thank you for being my Helper. 2) Father, forgive me for not acknowledging every of Your helps, in Jesus name. 3) Lord, uphold those who help me and be their […]
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Day: January 28, 2023
The Journey of Self-destruction
(Luke 15:17-24, Numbers 22:21-41, Psalms 51) The devil is already under the condemnation caused by self-destruction. Every moment, he lured people into this same journey. Even though the Holy Spirit cries out, many still get lured into self-destruction by the devil. Self-destruction is usually the devil deceiving humans to misuse their God-given wisdom, intelligence, boldness, […]