(Hebrews 4:7-16, Acts 9:1-22, 2 Corinthians 3:5-6, 2 Timothy 2:14-21)
1) Lord thank You for Your Holy Word given to us, in Jesus name.
2) Father, many interpret Your Word within the scope of their knowledge and imagination about You. Hence, in judging some events and others, they go against You just as Paul did when he was Saul. Oh Lord, open the eyes of my understanding, in Jesus name.
3) Lord, some limit the interpretation of Your Holy Word to their experience and wisdom, missing out of Your Almightiness. Help me to humbly and patiently seek Your face for answers, in Jesus name.
4) Lord, many read Your Word without revelation from You. They dwell only on the letters. I humble myself to know when I read Your Word without revelation from You, in Jesus name.
5) Lord, give me the revelation of Your Word, the meaning, and the grace of full obedience to it, in Jesus name.
6) Lord, having received all these, may I not reproach Your revelations given to/through others, in Jesus name.
7) Lord, give me Your Spirit of discernment and help me not to abuse Your grace or derail from Your Word, in Jesus name.
8) Lord Jesus, help me not to use Your Word as a selfish tool: to exalt my will or position, to denigrate others, and be insensitive to Your purpose/plan.