(2 Samuel 6:13-23, 1 Kings 3:1-15, 1 Thessalonians 5:18, John 11:41, Psalms 92:1-6, Psalms 103, Psalms 108:1-5)
God’s food is praise. He never stops giving us our food. We must not stop giving Him His food. Let your praise be His delight. He is asking for it. He is worthy of our praise.
Even though uncountable numbers of heavenly hosts with holy and glorious voices praise Him incomprehensibly yet He desires our praise because we are His children made in His image – We are His heirs. What an indescribable fatherly love! I believe you will not deny Him a reciprocation of that love in your praise.
Love to give Him the praise. Desire to give Him the best of it. Give Him abundance of praise, let Him rejoice and be enthroned in it.
Yes, the Bible says that He inhabits our praise.
… O thou that inhabitest the praises of Israel (Psalms 22:3)
When it comes to praise, He comes to receive it by Himself. It is not the duty for the angels. They do not transport praise to Him. Angels can only join us in praising Him. And it is always divinely glorious when they join us to praise God. Yes, they join genuine and unrestrained praise which comes from a holy and grateful heart. The kind that comes from a worshiper lost in the praise of God.
Give Him your praise like never before.
Prayer Points
1) Lord, I give You all the glories, honour, and adoration for the gift of life and divine health.
2) Lord, thank You for all my answered prayers.
3) Lord Jesus, thank You for dying for me on the cross of Calvary.
4) Lord, thank You for lifting me up above all the plans of the devil and His agents.
5) Lord, thank You for all Your goodness and blessings that You gave me without asking and those You gave me before I could ask for them.
6) Lord, thank You for all Your mercies, favour and grace upon my life and portions in life.
7) Continue to personally appreciate God however way you can.