(Luke 10:17-20, John 6:14-15, Revelation 3:5, Revelation 21:27, Exodus 32:32-33)

Only genuine repentance will make our names to be written in the book of life. Again, only continued obedience to God will make the names to remain in the book of life.

The book of life is God’s book which contains all the names of the saved people. Names can be blotted out of the book of life if the person falls into sin. At a time Judas’ name was written in the book of life (Luke 10:20) but at the end of his life, his name was blotted out of it. That names once entered into the book does not mean that the names cannot be removed. Only sin can cause one’s name to be removed from the book of life.

Our Lord Jesus cautioned the disciplces from rejoicing that demons bowed to them. He made it clear to them that their joy should be that their names were written in heaven. Judas was one of them. Demons once bowed to Judas yet he ended up with the demons in death and not with the saints. Our work in God’s service may be accumulated in heaven while sins make one to end in hell. The Bible says, such works will be an addition for those who were outstanding in their service to God while on earth (Matthew 25:28).

Our greatest joy should always be that our names remain in the Lamb’s book of life. This joy is greater than any other victory we could have over enemies.

Prayer Points
1) Lord Jesus, thank You for the provision of Your blood for complete atonement.
2) Lord Jesus, thank You for the completion of the redemptive works on the cross.
3) Lord Jesus, reveal to me what my real status is before You.
4) Holy Spirit, lead me to genuine repentance in all ways I am guilty of condemnation due to my wrongdoings, in Jesus name.
5) God the Holy Spirit, help me and guide me not to miss heaven for anything, in Jesus name.
6) Lord, anything I am holding on to, that can cause my name to be removed from Your book of life, remove such from me, in Jesus name.
7) Holy Spirit, all inborn sins in me, remove them from my life and give me a new life in You in Jesus name.
8) Lord, by Your great mercy and grace, may my name not be removed from Your book of life, in Jesus name.