(1 Peter 2:9-25, Exodus 19:5, Deuteronomy 26:18)
You are the Lord’s choicest, among all His creations. By His love, You are fashioned for His pleasure. By it you were made according to His awesome Image. He has called you to His love. In His love you find meaning to life. In it you find fulfilment of destiny.
He does not hold you lightly, do not hold Him lightly. Cherish this love that called you into everlasting life. Worship Him always. Not only in church but everywhere. He will not stop being your God. All the time, His eyes of protection watch over you.
However far away you are to Him, call to Him to make amend. He will draw you closer and faster than you thought. Return to Him humbly. He honours the humble but resist the proud.
There is grace for you. His mercy endures forever. He is the Shepherd and the Bishop of your soul. He will carry you on His shoulder. And in His heart. Long for a place with Him forever.
You are his royal priesthood. Not just a priest but a royal one. He …hath made us kings and priests unto God and his Father; to him be glory and dominion for ever and ever. Amen. (Revelation 1:6 KJV)
Prayer Points
1) Lord, I thank You for Your love for me.
2) Father, I thank You for Your grace that is abundant for me. I cannot amount to anything without it.
3) Lord Jesus, Your everlasting mercy is great. I see it in all ways.
4) Lord, empower me for greater exploits in Jesus name.
5) Lord, bear me upon Your wing of grace and mercy, in Jesus name.