(Matthew 9:18-31, John 11:21-44, Genesis 32:24-28)
When challenges become unbearable and all strength is lost and all comes crashing down; stretch forth your hand and hold on to the Saviour. When all effort seems not good enough, hanging on to the hand of the Saviour is the only peaceful way out. When it seems you cannot stay out of the flood of life, there is a saving grace in Jesus. He pulled Peter out of the sea, the three Hebrews out of the fiery fire and Daniel out of the lion’s den. Jesus was the fourth one or maybe we will say the first one in the fiery fire, He was there when they were tied. He was there when they were roughly thrown it to the fiery fire. And He showed up when their hope seemed dashed. There and then, they experienced the great deliverance He does in the lives of those who hope in Him. Jesus is never too late, He only show up at the right time. When all hope was lost for Lazarus Jesus appeared. Hold on to the Saviour’s hand, that is where your victory lies.
When you are experiencing addiction many people see you as outcast, who they rather keep away from. They see you as a potential threat to themselves but the Lord Jesus says “I’ll help you, come to my waiting arms”. Knowing fully well that you are tired of the life you live, but you cannot just bring yourself out of it. People think you cannot change the way you live because they think you enjoy it. Even though you are tired of this life, others are not aware; they see the opposite. They scold you for not making effort to quit such lifestyle, not knowing the inner struggle you experience with uncountable unsuccessful attempts to quit. Hear this: Jesus will save you, come and hold on to His hands. He knows the chemistry of your making, yielding your life to him is the only sure way out of the addiction.
You passed through a certain period of your life, even though you never shared it with anyone else, you keep blaming yourselves that it was all your fault. Though you act strong before everyone, deep in your mind the wound is very fresh and you regard it as self-affliction. You kept going as if everything is OK but you haunt your heart with guilt. Your Lord, your Father, your Friend, the Lord Jesus says, ”come, hold my pierced hands, put your hand in the wound, I suffered this for you. I will heal your wounded heart, I will remove your guilt; only cast all the guilt and burdens on Me”.
Hold on to the hands of the Lord Jesus-your Saviour, He will save and deliver you to the uttermost!
Prayer Points
1) Oh Lord, I want to hold on to You, let all that alienate me from You be uprooted from my life, in Jesus name.
2) Lord, send deliverance into my camp from Your throne, in Jesus name.
3) Lord, scatter and destroy every force gathered against me, in Jesus name.
4) Lord, release grace to rely and trust You completely into me, in Jesus name.
5) Lord, as You pulled Peter up from the water, the three Hebrews from the fiery furnace and Daniel from lion’s den, pull me and my beloved ones from every raging storm in Jesus name.