(Psalms 32:8-9, Psalms 143:10, Zechariah 4:6, Isaiah 51:21)
1) Lord take away the heart of stone that only yield to You by chastisement and give me the heart of flesh which yield to Your mercy and grace, in Jesus name.
2) I receive the Spirit of God to be  faithful, diligent, and profitable, in Jesus name.
3) I receive the untouchable fire of the Holy Spirit that cannot be manipulated by the evil spirits, in Jesus
4) A heart that is not teachable by the Holy Spirit cannot yield to the Holy Spirit, Father give me a heart that is teachable by You, in Jesus name.
5) Lord, release into me; Your Spirit of grace for success, excellence, prosperity, blessings and great exploits which will glorify Your holy name, in Jesus name.