Matthew 3
1 In those days came John the Baptist, preaching in the wilderness of Judea,
2 And saying, Repent: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.
Matthew 4:17
From that time Jesus began to preach, and to say, Repent: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand
How can we escape the full wrath (Revelation 6:16, 17, Revelation 14:10) of God and His Lamb, if we water down the urgency of this gospel committed to us? How can we ourselves be saved to face the Lord that sends us to His vineyard to work while it is day, if we cry that “it is well”, when doom looms:
How can we be free when we are feeding them fat and nourishing them but preparing them to be burned and tormented in hell fire?
As you nurture them, please nurture their souls too and let them know it is the same urgency that John the Baptist, our Lord Jesus, the Apostles and past saints preached that has been committed to us. And we must preach the same urgency if we must flee from the great wrath of God coming upon the earth in this last days that we are in already.
If over 2000 years ago the saints cried “the kingdom of God is at hand”, just as our Saviour did, how can we be guiltless in the 21st century when we proclaim “ease in Zion” and sing them to sleep, thinking that the bridegroom we delay His coming (Matthew 25:5)? Oh Lord have mercy on us and save us!
I leave you all with the grace of our Lord Jesus that can save us all to the uttermost. May the zeal of the Father’s house, eagerness to do His will and His Spirit of stewardship be released upon us in Jesus precious name. Amen.