(Joshua 7, Ezekiel 36:25-30, Proverbs 28:13, Psalms 32:5, 1 John 1:9)

This week point of focus is about a situation that happened at the beginning of what would be the Israelites’ lasting joy. It happened through one man but everyone suffered for it. A heinous crime by a man called Achan put the whole nation of Israel under God’s wrath and judgment. Even though it was done secretly, the sin brought an open shame on the heritage of God and the household of God. The people of God became a castaway from favour. Achan sinned and the manifestation of God in their midst ceased. Such manifestation and move of God was prepared for consciously and corporately when they cleansed themselves as done in Joshua 5. There are different degrees of the manifestation of God among His people and these are made possible by the level of His presence among them. The level of His presence among a people depends on the how much preparations have been made to welcome Him. What herald this preparation is holiness, cleansing from sins(filthiness). And that was done already in Joshua 5, giving the mighty host of God a prominent platform amidst them. Like they experienced in Joshua 5:13 where the commander of the host of God made himself visible to Joshua. Holiness is a platform for God and His manifestation but sin is a platform for the devil and his deeds.
Pro 14:34 Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people.
As the devil will have his way among the Israeli many soldiers died in Ai but the sinner himself was not killed. With this he (the devil) could continue tormenting the people of God with his accusation. The devil can waste many souls to keep a terrible sinner alive as is potent tool, until the judgment of God catches up with such.
The holiness of individual in the body of Christ is the holiness of all in the body of Christ.
As a family you must arise to keep the home clean for the eyes of the Lord to see it and be delighted. Is there anyone in the family pulling down the pillar of the Lord’s righteousness? Let us seek the Lord’s face on this. Who has been so unrepentant in a particular sin against the Lord? Let us seek the Lord’s help on this.
As a church we must arise together. Why will the devil find an accusation against the people and heritage of the Lord?
It is the Lord’s will to reveal hidden sins so that his people will be saved. But it is the devil’s tactics to cover sins?
No sins passes the efficacy of the cleansing power of the blood of Jesus. No one is too wretched that the mercy of the Lord cannot save, only for us to confess our sins and forsake our wrong ways (Proverbs 28:13). It is a thing to confess and it is another to repent forsaking the sinful ways; this is the person that receives mercy. Someone who knows how to confess but do not forsake sins does not receive mercy but ply towards judgment after he or she must have totally fallen from grace. This will not be our portion in this kingdom race in Jesus name!
It is conviction by the Holy Spirit that brings confession but it is our glorifying the name of the Lord if we repent forsaking the wicked and sinful ways. Unrepentant souls and souls that always confess sin but dot forsake it head towards destruction. May this not be our portion in Jesus name. Where it has become so difficult for us to forsake sin, ask for the Lord’s grace to forsake the sin (such grace is available to all to ask for, main reason there will be no mercy on the day of judgment). In a situation where seeking for grace alone seems not working please seek help from spirit-filled brethren, (they must be spirit-led so that they do not make matter worse; hence we must seek with sincere prayers).
Having victory over sins is having authority over satan. So, this is what he wants to deprive you, the family and the church. Do not forget this victory was won over 2,000 years ago on the calvary tree of reproach, the rugged cross of our Lord and God (the Son) Jesus Christ. He who looks up to Jesus Christ on the cross will be saved (John 3:14, ). Let us come as individual, as family and let us come as church to the cross where the King of glory was crucified for us (Peter 2:19-25). Through this we shall be saved from God’s wrath and judgment, experiencing the mighty move of the Holy Spirit.
Let us watch and pray so that we would not walk in the path of Achan which brought God’s wrath on his nation and destruction on himself and family members. Let us intercede in prayers, before the Lord, for the unrepentant soul in our family and place of worship. May the peace and mercy of our Lord Jesus be with us all.
Prayer points
1) Lord Jesus, remove secret sins from us.
2) Lord, give us your grace and heart to genuinely love what You love and hate what You hate, in Jesus name.
3) Father please give repentant hearts to the unrepenting souls among us, in Jesus name (Ezekiel 11:19).
4) Lord Jesus, with mercy wipe away our sins with Your precious blood (James 2:3).
5) Lord, may hidden and secret sin not have a foothold in my home and church, in Jesus name.