(John 14:16, 26, Romans 8:14, 1 Corinthians 2:12-14, 2 Corinthians 1:22, 1 John 4:1)

Many a time the Holy Spirit inspires us to do something but we unconsciously, subconsciously or consciously do otherwise. This can be leading to do such for ourselves or for someone else. It can be someone we do not even know. This can be intercessory, encouragement or helping hand. For instance, if we are stepping out and at the door the Spirit of God asks us to go back to our knees, we may look into what schedule says and choose to disobey. Sometimes we may be praying and not released yet by the Spirit of God but we struggle ourselves out of the prayers session. Of course the devil is happy with this. He is happy when we do not give chance to the Holy Spirit’s leading or help for our live.

Many has fallen into evil plan and snare when they ignore the leading of the Holy Spirit which try to keep them away from such evil. Many has hindered and truncated the move of the Holy Spirit in like manner, especially when He is about to prepare them for greatness.

The Spirit of God can sometimes put burden on you to intercede for someone (it might be someone you know or that you do not know) but one immediately shake it off as “let me mind my problem”. It can also be vision or dream about someone you do not know. Do not ignore it but pray for such person.

It is not until we hear a thunderous voice of God before we know He is instructing us. The Bible says the Spirit Himself bears witness with us that we are the children of God.

Our Father says His children know His voice. And He told us that when the Holy Spirit come He will tell us all things. Whereas we now expect the Holy Spirit to only be concerned about church and church things or even be restricted to church only. Whereas our Lord Jesus Christ says the Holy Spirit will teach and remind us all things. The Bible says the Holy Spirit is our Helper. So in our planning, activities, prayers, worship and generally in our daily lives the Holy Spirit is meant to be our Helper.

We more often think connecting with the Holy Spirit will inconvenience us or disrupts our agenda. We might even be tempted to think that in all these, He does not consider our good. The devil is happy when we have such thought in us.

Taking the move of the Holy Spirit for granted is terrible as we are not rejecting His assistance but we are only accepting devils suggestions and helping hands against that of the Holy Spirit.

When we are faithful in yielding to the move of the Holy Spirit we will be called the sons and daughters of Jesus but whoever does otherwise belongs to the devil. Those who obey the will of the devil are God’s enemies by deeds.

The Holy Spirit is our Helper that guides us into all truth.

May we not lose sight of this, so as not to lose the divine help of the Holy Spirit – our Helper, over our life.

In all these please let us not forget, test all spirits. It is never a sin to test all spirits in other to know which is the Holy Spirit. In fact it is needful that you confirm before you believe and obey such (1 John 4:1).

May the communion of the Holy Spirit remain with us in Jesus name. Amen.

Prayer Points

1) Jesus, thank you for sending the Holy Spirit to us.

2) Holy Spirit, thank You for Your work and leading in my lives.

3) Holy Spirit, lead me and work in me in this journey of life, in Jesus name.

4) Holy Spirit, open my understanding and guide me to all truth in Jesus name.

5) Holy Spirit take full charge of my life, do not let it be hijacked by the devil or his agents, in Jesus name.