(Exodus 15:26, Deuteronomy 6:7, Deuteronomy 11:22, Hebrews 11:6b, Matthew 5:18-19)
To obey is one thing and to diligently obey is another.
Diligence is when you are doing something well to the smallest details and you are steadfast in doing so always.
God so much emphasizes on diligence in obedience. People who have been great through obeying Jesus Christ did so with diligence. They do not just obey per instruction but they obeyed per smallest detail of the instruction. The gap filled with diligence cannot be taken for granted when obeying our Lord Jesus Christ. Diligence! Jesus our Lord was pointing to what diligently listening to Him and doing God’s will means when He said even one stroke or pronunciation of God’s commandment will not go unfulfilled. Matthew 5:18,19. It is carefully listening to all the details of His instructions and command, evaluating these sincerely to know how best they can be obeyed, meditating and focusing on the details, ruminating on the details at all stages of the obedience. To add diligence to our obedience to Christ is to put ourselves in Father’s shoes considering how best He will do it, if He is to obey Himself. Pay full attention to all His instructions and command. Not in compulsion but willingly and in love.
At any point we think it is impossible to obey diligently, instead of resorting to grumbling and complaints which can make us irresponsible and unfaithful, let us begin to ask for grace and mercy (there is always enough for whatever He commands).
Diligently obeying God is being aware of the possibility of not being responsibly obedient and yet choosing with only one resolution – to obey and to obey as He desires, diligently.
Diligence in obeying Christ. In it lies the secret of a friend, a child and a servant after my own heart.
When we diligently obey God, He also will diligently rewards us.
Please as we seek obedience, let us lay emphasis on diligence. Where grace is not enough let us ask for more.
Do not take diligence for granted in obeying God. Do not just obey but diligently obey. Do not just obey the Lord as if He is not interested in detailed obedience. Instead of taking this for granted and thinking God should be compassionate enough to overlook some details, ask for grace to diligently obey. When someone is thinking that God should overlook details, another person is ensuring with grace that he diligently obey; in the same manner their rewards will be different.
So to the diligent ones, the Lord will show Himself as a diligent rewarder.
… and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him. Hebrews 11:6b.
Prayer Points
1) Father, please forgive me every sin of being careless in obeying You.
2) Father, give me the grace to obey You diligently, in Jesus name.
3) The devil will not be able to take my mind off the details of God’s will and instructions anymore, in Jesus name.
4) The blessings that not being diligent in obedience has deprived me, mercy of God restore it to me, in Jesus name.
5) Holy Spirit of God, fill me with Your spirit of diligence in Jesus name.