( John 1:47-51, John 4:24, Hebrews 4:13)

 Jesus saw Nathaniel coming toward him and said about him, “Look, a genuine Israeli, in whom there is no deceit!”  John 1:47 ISV

A life the devil wants us to live with Jesus is a life of deceit. He does not want us to be truthful to the One who loves us unconditionally. He does not want us to be truthful to the One that solves our problems. He does not want us to be truthful to the One that protects us.  The devil wants us to be deceitful to God even in our prayers and the meditation in the word of God. He only wants to make us loose the goodness that truthfulness with the Father could  fetch us. God forbids!

Our deceit with the Lord is being out of tune with Him. It is having shapes that do not fit into His will. It is being out of proportion with his purpose.

He, with whom we have to do is the TRUTH, making our deceitfulness visibly seen as it is placed against His will and purpose. He, that we have dealings with, sees into the depth of the mind, so, how can we hide from His presence? He whom everyone gives account to, fills all things: found above, beneath, sideways, ahead or behind. There is no place to stray to, that we will not be under Jesus’ Dominion.

“… in whom there is no deceit”. Let us go about His will in this light.

Again in John 4:24 Jesus was pointing out the unavoidable manner of worship and He said “God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.” Our spirit must be connected to Him in worship and will need to do so in truth. So, all activities that our bodies carry out for Jesus must be one that connect our spirit to Him; in truth. According to Hebrews 4:13 our originality and genuineness are naked and opened unto the eyes of him with whom we have to do. So,  please do not let us kneel before Him behind any veil of deceit, pretense or disguise but JUST AS WE ARE. We should hence call upon Him to wash away every deceit in us, that we might be naked with Him and not be ashamed, or shy. Praise the Lord!


Prayer Points

1) Jesus, I plunge beneath your blood, wash away  all deceits in me and do not let me share in the rewards of the deceitful ones.

2) Father, please, release into me, the grace to be the truthful and honest child you want me to be, in Jesus name.

3) Lord empower me and destroy the power and reign of deceit over me and my family, in Jesus name.

4) I receive my birthright which the blood of Jesus has bought for me, in Jesus name.

5) Holy Spirit, quench the wickedness and threats of my enemies, in Jesus powerful name.